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5 Things To Know: County Seeks Hosts for Blood Pressure Screening Event

The Love Your Heart (LYH) blood pressure screening event on Feb. 14 unifies community partners across the U.S. and Mexico to prevent heart disease and stroke. The event empowers the public to take control of their heart health, know their blood pressure numbers, and what they mean. LYH needs organizations from every sector in San […]

5 Things To Know: CHA Releases Summary of New Hospital Bed Tracking System

Through Assembly Bill 177 (2024), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) received the authority and funding to implement a real-time hospital bed capacity system and has selected the Apprise Healthcare Capacity System. The state’s goal is to use this data to monitor hospital surge and system capacity, understand regional needs, develop policies, and position […]

Standing in Solidarity with Los Angeles Hospitals

As we watch Los Angeles continue to battle devasting wildfires, our thoughts and support are with our neighboring communities. We can truly empathize — the harrowing scenes in Los Angeles evoke memories of the 2003 Cedar Fire that ravaged San Diego County.  

5 Things To Know: $1M Health Disparity Grant Application Nears Closing

In an effort to support innovative and sustainable solutions that address health disparities and promote equity, the Alliance Healthcare Foundation (AHF) invites organizations to apply for 2025 Innovation Initiative funding by Jan. 24. AHF seeks market-based and/or transformational systems-change solutions with the potential to improve access, quality, and health outcomes for marginalized and low-income residents […]

5 Things To Know: CMS Requires Patient Reclassification Notices in February 2025

Beginning Feb. 14, 2025, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will require that hospitals give “Observation Change of Status Notices” to patients who are reclassified from inpatient to observation (outpatient) status. CMS has issued updated information on the new requirements for communication to affected patients. For more information, refer to the CHA News article.   

5 Things To Know: Community Outreach Opportunity at Food Distribution Sites

Many facing food insecurity also need help with housing, education, health care, workforce development, and family support. In that vein, outreach organizations are invited to be considered for potential partnership by completing the Community Cares Program interest form. Partnership could include attending San Diego Food Bank distributions and conducting community outreach to individuals and families […]