President’s Message

We Are All Responsible for Rural Health Care Access

People talk about the rural-urban divide, but the reality for health care and hospitals is that we are interconnected. And California’s rural hospitals are at a fiscal crossroad. Right now, 56% percent of rural hospitals are losing money on patient care — up 16% in just five years. Health care access for more than 2 million Californians is shrinking.

Strong Relationships Are Vital in Tackling Big Issues

Recently I reflected on the start of the year with a colleague and shared that January felt like it was 16 weeks long. We came barreling out of the gate in 2024 with far-reaching issues to grapple with. The list includes matters that touch almost every part of hospital operations, including preparing for the upcoming hospital minimum wage hike, advocating for reconsideration of health care spending targets proposed by the new Office of Health Care Affordability, strategizing with firefighters and emergency medical services in preparation for the implementation of Assembly Bill 40, advocating for resources to reduce migrant street releases, seeking solutions to the growing behavioral health crisis in our communities, and more.