Biweekly Briefing Articles

National Hospital Week: A Time of Appreciation and Gratitude         

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

May 7 marks the start of this year’s National Hospital Week, and this year’s theme is “WeAreHealthCare.” This is a week to recognize the vital roles hospitals play in our communities but more importantly, to celebrate all health care workers — who are essential to the success of hospitals and health systems.  

May 7 marks the start of this year’s National Hospital Week, and this year’s theme is “WeAreHealthCare.” This is a week to recognize the vital roles hospitals play in our communities but more importantly, to celebrate all health care workers — who are essential to the success of hospitals and health systems.   

This is not only a time to highlight your contributions, but to say “thank you” for all that you do. On the heels of the pandemic and as your hospitals continue to confront challenges in every direction, there’s never been a more important time to acknowledge the incredible work of hospital employees. Without the dedication of physicians, nurses, therapists, engineers, volunteers, administrators, and so many more — hospitals simply could not function.   

National Hospital Week serves as an important reminder that hospitals truly matter in our society and are worth fiercely protecting. Your hospitals are more than just places where people go to heal, they are the cornerstones of the community. They are places that foster health and represent hope. From providing treatment and comfort to the sick to welcoming new lives into the world, hospitals are crucial to a healthy and optimistic community.   

But they would be nothing without each and every employee who keeps them humming —24/7/365. National Hospital Week is first and foremost, a celebration of people, and all that you do. My sincere thanks to all of you for your dedication and commitment. The work you do each and every day makes a true difference in the lives of those your hospitals serve.