
The HASD&IC Biweekly Briefing provides timely news and information for HASD&IC members and associates and is published on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Key articles and issues of interest from each publication, along with the President’s Message, are included below.

5 Things To Know: Opioid Pilot Project | North County Shelter | April NAMIWalks | Blue Envelope Program | Rural Health Care Symposium

SAN DIEGO COUNTY LAUNCHES PROGRAM TO REDUCE OPIOID MISUSE: San Diego County has launched a pilot project to reduce access to, and misuse of, prescription opioids by encouraging safe disposal. Through the program, which will primarily focus on east and central areas where overdose death rates are highest, both health care providers and patients who […]

We Are All Responsible for Rural Health Care Access

People talk about the rural-urban divide, but the reality for health care and hospitals is that we are interconnected. And California’s rural hospitals are at a fiscal crossroad. Right now, 56% percent of rural hospitals are losing money on patient care — up 16% in just five years. Health care access for more than 2 million Californians is shrinking.

Associate Member Spotlight: Falck Mobile Health 

Falck helps people in urgent need and brings peace of mind to their customers. As a partner to local communities, Falck provides emergency response and health care services wherever they are needed. For more than a century, Falck has helped keep people safe and healthy. They are committed to advancing sustainable health care, and every […]

5 Things To Know: San Diego County Survey | San Diego APOT Collaboration | HASD&IC Crisis Stabilization Units | San Diego County Guide and Matrix | MAT Access Points Project

HELP THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO SET BUDGET PRIORITIES: San Diego County is seeking broad, diverse input on its priorities through a short survey to inform the county’s upcoming 2024-26 budget and operational planning process. Key stakeholders are invited to complete the survey on the Engage San Diego County website by March 17.   For more […]

Associate Member Spotlight: AMN Healthcare

AMN Healthcare is the leader and innovator in total talent solutions for health care organizations in the United States. The company provides access to the most comprehensive network of quality health care professionals through its innovative recruitment strategies and breadth of career opportunities. With insights and expertise, AMN Healthcare helps providers optimize their workforce to […]

5 Things To Know: Study Finds CA Bridge Program is Highly Effective, Funding to Continue; San Diego TB Prevention Education and Community Engagement Summit; San Diego Workforce Partnerships Substance Use Counselor Program; DHCS Publishes Quality Ratings for Managed Care Plans and County Behavioral Health Plans; Medicare Coverage for Behavioral Health Expanded

STUDY FINDS CA BRIDGE PROGRAM IS HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, FUNDING TO CONTINUE: JAMA Network recently published a study highlighting the impact of the CA Bridge Program on opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment in emergency departments (EDs). The study found that 86% of OUD patients received buprenorphine in participating hospitals, with 50% continuing treatment 30 days after […]

Strong Relationships Are Vital in Tackling Big Issues

Recently I reflected on the start of the year with a colleague and shared that January felt like it was 16 weeks long. We came barreling out of the gate in 2024 with far-reaching issues to grapple with. The list includes matters that touch almost every part of hospital operations, including preparing for the upcoming hospital minimum wage hike, advocating for reconsideration of health care spending targets proposed by the new Office of Health Care Affordability, strategizing with firefighters and emergency medical services in preparation for the implementation of Assembly Bill 40, advocating for resources to reduce migrant street releases, seeking solutions to the growing behavioral health crisis in our communities, and more.

CEO Messages

Read up-to-date messages from HASD&IC's President/CEO