Biweekly Briefing Articles

Relationship Building Is Essential Before and After Elections

The November election will bring significant changes to the political landscape nationally and in California. While there wasn’t as much change locally, new federal and state policies will have implications for hospital operations and funding in our region.

Notably, California voters approved Proposition 35, which permanently establishes a tax on managed care organizations to fund Medi-Cal services. This measure is expected to generate between $5 billion and $11 billion annually for hospitals, doctors, and other providers — enhancing health care access for low-income residents. The measure establishes more consistent, dedicated funding for hospitals across California and in our region, ideally leading to reduced financial strain and improvements in patient care and overall health outcomes.

Locally, the San Diego mayoral race concluded with incumbent Todd Gloria securing reelection. His administration has previously emphasized heath care initiatives, and continued collaboration with his office will be essential for advancing our shared goals.

It is vital that we as health care providers be proactive and unite to engage incumbent and newly elected officials at all levels — from members of our congressional delegation to mayors, city councilors, and county supervisors. The work hospitals do is nonpartisan, but by presenting a cohesive front, we can successfully advocate for policies that support effective health care in the communities we serve. To help us be even more effective in our region, HASD&IC has just launched a Political Action Committee (PAC) — an essential tool for engaging in the political process and ensuring that health care, hospitals, and our patients remain a priority among elected officials in San Diego and Imperial counties.

The election is in the rear-view mirror, but taking time to build relationships with policymakers should be an ongoing effort. I encourage members to participate in outreach efforts, attend local government meetings, collaborate on initiatives that align with our mission, and support the HASD&IC PAC. Together, we can navigate the evolving political environment to ensure that our hospitals continue providing exceptional care to all residents in our region.