Since its inception in 1987, Hooper, Lundy & Bookman’s primary focus has been to guide and support health care providers and suppliers in our shared mission to create and maintain a viable and effective health care system. Without that, people, especially the most vulnerable among us, face significant challenges in accessing the quality health care necessary to keep our communities healthy, safe and thriving. We are passionate about helping our clients to fulfill this mutual goal of serving all populations.
We believe that the complexity of health care law requires a depth of understanding that goes beyond that commonly found in general practice firms with health care law departments. Such depth can only be achieved through industry specialization and experience. That is why we have dedicated our practice exclusively to understanding the intricacies of the health care industry. Our attorneys and government relations specialists represent providers and suppliers in all aspects of their operations, including business and regulatory transactions, litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution needs, as well as advocacy and public policy. The firm has represented clients in many of the landmark appellate cases that have shaped health care law over the past three decades.
For additional information, visit or contact:
Jennifer Hansen, Esq.
(619) 744-7310
Joseph LaMagna, Esq.
(619) 744-7305
Hooper, Lundy & Bookman, P.C.
101 W. Broadway, Suite 1200
San Diego, CA 92101