Biweekly Briefing Articles

5 Things To Know: FAQs on MCO Tax Agreement, Discharge Delay Survey, CA Bridge CME Academy, Community Health Workers/Promotores/Representatives (Chw/P/R) Model, Song-Brown Healthcare Workforce Training Programs

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

FAQS ON MCO TAX AGREEMENT: CHA has issued FAQs on the 2023 state budget agreement on the managed care organization tax. The agreement renews the tax and commits the majority of the funding to provider payment increases, including for hospitals. Contact Ben Johnson at with any questions.

DISCHARGE DELAY SURVEY: If your hospital hasn’t already submitted data, it’s not too late — the deadline has been extended to July 21. The survey should take about an hour to complete, and your response is critical to CHA’s advocacy work. The FAQs have also been updated. Contact Alenie Reth at with any questions.   

CA BRIDGE CME ACADEMY: A collection of over 9.5 continuing medical education (CME) units and counting can be accessed at no charge to help doctors, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners meet the new Drug Enforcement Agency licensing requirement or simply further their education in how to provide better care for patients who use drugs. The video lecture library is mix and match and topics are presented in evidence-based, cutting-edge, and passionate CA Bridge style. 

COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS/PROMOTORES/REPRESENTATIVES (CHW/P/R) MODEL: The Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) completed a six-month stakeholder engagement process with the CHW/P/R community. During this process, stakeholders collaborated with HCAI to develop a model for statewide CHW/P/R training and state certificate requirements. HCAI has posted the finalized model on its website. More details on the CHW certificate are available in this July 1 guidance letter from HCAI.              

SONG-BROWN HEALTHCARE WORKFORCE TRAINING PROGRAMS: The Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) has application cycles that are now open or opening soon. 

  • 2023 Primary Care Residency. The cycle closes on Aug. 31. In addition, physicians can help increase access to quality care for many of California’s underserved populations by voluntarily contributing $25 to Song-Brown when renewing their physician license. Contributions will support a program that has been committed to serving primary care training programs throughout the state for over 45 years.
  • 2023 Family Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant. The application cycle opens on Aug. 8 and closes on Sept. 21. 
  • 2023 Family Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant Post Graduate Fellowship (FNP/PA). The application cycle opens on Aug. 8 and closes on Sept. 21. This is the first FNP/PA Post Graduate Fellowship grant opportunity offered by HCAI.