FREE FENTANYL TEST STRIPS AVAILABLE THROUGH THE NALOXONE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT: The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is expanding the Naloxone Distribution Project (NDP) to include fentanyl test strips, which can be obtained by eligible organizations statewide. FTS are used to detect the presence of fentanyl in drug samples prior to ingestion. NDP applicants will have the option to request naloxone, test strips, or both at no cost through the online application.
Since DHCS created the program in 2018, it has distributed more than 3.9 million naloxone kits, which have been used to reverse nearly 250,000 overdoses. The NDP is part of DHCS’ broader efforts to increase access to medications for opioid use disorder, reduce unmet treatment needs, and reduce opioid-related overdose deaths. With the addition of test strips, DHCS hopes to further reduce opioid-related overdose deaths through early detection of fentanyl.
CHA TO HOST EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FORUM: The California Hospital Association (CHA) will host a full-day event on May 6 in Newport Beach that includes a panel discussion with emergency medical services and fire leaders, ideas for improving emergency department throughput, a behavioral health panel, and updates on the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act. Registration is open.
NEW LIVE WELL SAN DIEGO VIRTUAL CONNECTION HUB IS AVAILABLE: A new virtual space is available where community partners, local leaders, and community members can come together to exchange ideas, engage in discussions, and offer feedback on policy and planning under the Live Well San Diego vision.
The current engagement sectors are:
- Community and faith-based organizations and rural communities
- Business
- Education
- Youth
WEBINAR TO DISCUSS SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER TREATMENTS: Health Management Associates will host a webinar on May 1 at 9 a.m. (PT). This is the final part of a webinar series on substance use disorders (SUDs). Five field experts will discuss different approaches to treating SUDs and the best way to help people with SUDs, which includes strong partnerships between different treatment programs and services.
HCAI LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM APPLICATION CYCLES: The Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) offers loan repayment programs through the Healthcare Workforce Development Division. The programs provide support to health professionals who agree to provide direct patient care in medically underserved areas. Eligibility guidelines and criteria vary by program.
HCAI’s cycles will run May 1 to June 14 for the following programs: