Clinical Care

About Clinical Care

Taking care of patients and their communities is at the heart of what hospitals do, and that wouldn’t be possible without the clinical services that hospitals provide. These services touch all aspects of a hospital’s operations, ranging from the emergency department to behavioral health. Through its numerous area-specific groups, CHA provides advocacy and representation on all aspects of operations — guiding hospitals in meeting regulatory, legal, and licensing requirements.

5 Things To Know: CDPH to Hold Public Hearing on Proposed Regulations for Clinical Laboratory, Dietetic, and Pharmaceutical Services

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has published an All Facilities Letter announcing a virtual public hearing to discuss proposed amendments to regulations related to  clinical laboratory, dietetic, and pharmaceutical services at general acute care hospitals. The hearing will take place Sept. 12 from 2-3 p.m. (PT); registration is available online.

5 Things To Know: Disruptions in BD BACTEC Blood Culture Media Bottles Availability

In a July 10 letter, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) noted that the U.S. is experiencing interruptions in the supply of BD BACTEC blood culture media bottles because of recent supplier issues. The disruption is expected to impact patient diagnosis, follow-up patient management, and antimicrobial stewardship efforts. The FDA recommends laboratories and health care providers consider conservation strategies to prioritize the use of blood culture media bottles, preserving the supply for patients at highest risk. 

5 Things To Know: Substance Use in Older Adults Virtual Training

A collaborative presentation will be provided by the San Diego County Substance Use and Overdose Prevention Taskforce’s Community Resilience Committee on Aug. 5 from 9-10:30 a.m. The training will focus on stimulant use disorder in adults, current trends, and available resources, and is designed for prevention providers, treatment specialists, and health care professionals. Registration is open

5 Things To Know: H3SD: Heat and Human Health Summit

The H3SD: San Diego’s Heat and Human Health Summit, a climate- and health-focused event hosted by the UC San Diego School of Medicine and Kaiser Permanente, will feature an educational poster session on Aug. 16 and the summit on Aug. 17 at UC San Diego. Registration is open, and continuing medical education credits are available.