About Medi-Cal
Every year, California’s hospitals treat millions of patients, many of them covered by Medi-Cal, the state’s health care safety net. This includes numerous essential health care services for Californians, including care for more than 50% of all births, 46% of behavioral health-related emergency department visits, 58% of rural hospital patient care days, 1 million inpatient stays, and nearly 16 million outpatient visits in 2018. CHA is committed to protecting Medi-Cal rates and assuring that the state’s neediest maintain access to the high quality of care that all Californians deserve.
5 Things To Know: San Diego County Recognized for Medi-Cal Call Responsiveness
The Children’s Partnership, a California advocacy organization advancing child health equity through research, policy, and community engagement, commissioned WestGroup Research to survey county Medi-Cal call lines in more than 30 counties. Their research found that Medi-Cal enrollees in some counties were forced to wait up to 90 minutes to get assistance, leading to many abandoned calls and possibly a loss of Medi-Cal coverage for those seeking assistance. San Diego County was highlighted for providing strong customer service, with an average hold time of just under one minute. This outstanding customer service supports San Diego residents’ ability to maintain health coverage and access the care they need.
Campaign Materials Now Available for CHA-Sponsored Ballot Measure to Strengthen Medi-Cal
Hospitals are encouraged to join the coalition supporting Proposition (Prop) 35, which would make permanent an existing fee on managed care organizations that enables the state to draw on federal matching funds to improve Medi-Cal.
5 Things To Know: CMS Launches New Option to File EMTALA Complaints
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that individuals have the option to file an Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) complaint directly with the agency, in addition to the traditional process of contacting state survey agencies. The form is the latest in a series of new resources from CMS to help educate the public about EMTALA.
5 Things To Know: Certified Wellness Coach Scholarship
New Certified Wellness Coach Scholarship Program: The Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) launched the Certified Wellness Coach profession earlier this year in its ongoing commitment to expand and enhance behavioral health services for youth. This role is designed to deliver comprehensive prevention and early intervention services, promoting the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of young people.
5 Things To Know: Covid-19 Data
Hospitals No Longer Required To Report Covid-19 Data To HHS: Hospitals are no longer required to report COVID-19 data mandated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) through the National Healthcare Safety Network, effective since April 30. Additionally, discharge reporting of hospitalized COVID-19 cases (All Facilities Letter 21-25) to the California Department of Public Health has been discontinued.
5 Things To Know: Ballot Initiative
BALLOT INITIATIVE WOULD DEDICATE MCO TAX REVENUE TO FUND MEDI-CAL: The Coalition to Protect Access to Care has submitted more than 800,000 voter signatures to qualify the Protect Access to Healthcare initiative for California’s November 2024 ballot. CHA supports the proposed ballot measure, which would permanently channel managed care organization (MCO) tax revenue to Medi-Cal providers such as hospitals, physicians, women’s health and community clinics, and health centers. To help build support, the coalition has created a toolkit, which includes a sample newsletter that can be adapted for various audiences, sample social posts and graphics, and links to fact sheets.
5 Things To Know: Default Enrollment Pilot
MEDICARE MEDI-CAL PLANS – DEFAULT ENROLLMENT PILOT: This summer, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) will launch a default enrollment pilot for select Medicare Medi-Cal (Medi-Medi) Plans in San Diego and San Mateo counties. Medi-Medi Plans are a type of Medicare Advantage (MA) plan that coordinates all benefits and services across both programs for dually-eligible individuals. Under the pilot, when a managed care plan (MCP) member becomes eligible for Medicare due to age or disability, they will automatically be enrolled in the Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) for that MCP, unless the member chooses a different Medicare option, such as Original Medicare or another MA plan. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services included guidance on D-SNP default enrollment in its annual MA Enrollment and Disenrollment Guidance. Please contact DHCS at info@calduals.org with any questions or comments about Medi-Medi Plans
5 Things To Know: Webinar Trainings
TRAINING SET FOR CHILDREN’S PRESUMPTIVE ELIGIBILITY AND NEWBORN GATEWAY: Medi-Cal’s outreach and education team and the Department of Health Care Services will host overview trainings on Children’s Presumptive Eligibility and Newborn Gateway. The live webinar trainings will be conducted on May 29 at 10 a.m. (PT) and June 6 at 1 p.m. (PT) and will be recorded. Providers must register through the Medi‑Cal Learning Portal.
5 Things To Know: CalAIM Provider Forums
CALAIM PROVIDER FORUM MEETINGS TO BE HOSTED IN MAY: California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) provider forums are designed to give current and prospective providers of enhanced care management and community support services the opportunity to share experiences, ask questions, and learn from one another. Upcoming forums will be hosted for Imperial County on May 2 at 1 p.m. (PT) and San Diego County on May 9 at 11 a.m. (PT).
5 Things To Know: Study Finds CA Bridge Program is Highly Effective, Funding to Continue; San Diego TB Prevention Education and Community Engagement Summit; San Diego Workforce Partnerships Substance Use Counselor Program; DHCS Publishes Quality Ratings for Managed Care Plans and County Behavioral Health Plans; Medicare Coverage for Behavioral Health Expanded
STUDY FINDS CA BRIDGE PROGRAM IS HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, FUNDING TO CONTINUE: JAMA Network recently published a study highlighting the impact of the CA Bridge Program on opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment in emergency departments (EDs). The study found that 86% of OUD patients received buprenorphine in participating hospitals, with 50% continuing treatment 30 days after […]