
About Medi-Cal

More than 15 million Californians rely on Medi-Cal, the state’s health care coverage safety net, for health insurance. Two-thirds of those on Medi-Cal are people of color and often live in communities with a lack of adequate health care providers. Without significant investments to support providers that deliver health care to California’s most vulnerable, millions living in rural and underserved areas are in jeopardy.

5 Things To Know: Webinar Trainings

TRAINING SET FOR CHILDREN’S PRESUMPTIVE ELIGIBILITY AND NEWBORN GATEWAY: Medi-Cal’s outreach and education team and the Department of Health Care Services will host overview trainings on Children’s Presumptive Eligibility and Newborn Gateway. The live webinar trainings will be conducted on May 29 at 10 a.m. (PT) and June 6 at 1 p.m. (PT) and will be recorded. Providers must register through the Medi‑Cal Learning Portal.  

5 Things To Know: CalAIM Provider Forums

CALAIM PROVIDER FORUM MEETINGS TO BE HOSTED IN MAY: California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) provider forums are designed to give current and prospective providers of enhanced care management and community support services the opportunity to share experiences, ask questions, and learn from one another. Upcoming forums will be hosted for Imperial County on May 2 at 1 p.m. (PT) and San Diego County on May 9 at 11 a.m. (PT). 

5 Things To Know: Study Finds CA Bridge Program is Highly Effective, Funding to Continue; San Diego TB Prevention Education and Community Engagement Summit; San Diego Workforce Partnerships Substance Use Counselor Program; DHCS Publishes Quality Ratings for Managed Care Plans and County Behavioral Health Plans; Medicare Coverage for Behavioral Health Expanded

STUDY FINDS CA BRIDGE PROGRAM IS HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, FUNDING TO CONTINUE: JAMA Network recently published a study highlighting the impact of the CA Bridge Program on opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment in emergency departments (EDs). The study found that 86% of OUD patients received buprenorphine in participating hospitals, with 50% continuing treatment 30 days after […]