Hospitals in Action

Avid Cyclist Fights Heart Disorders with Innovative Pacemaker, Back to Her “Happy Place”

After being told she needed a pacemaker to treat heart arrythmia, avid cyclist Whitney worried about the future of her active lifestyle. Scripps Clinic Anderson Medical Pavilion was able to ease her concerns by surgically implanting a leadless pacemaker, and now, she’s back to bike riding and racing.

When cycling enthusiast Whitney DeSpain was diagnosed with heart rhythm disorders, she was told she needed a pacemaker. DeSpain was worried that having a pacemaker would hinder her active lifestyle as a cyclist, but Scripps Clinic Anderson Medical Pavilion was able to ease her concerns with excellent care and an innovative, leadless pacemaker. Within three weeks after surgery, DeSpain was back to bike riding and started racing again a few months later

Read more about innovative pacemaker