Biweekly Briefing Articles


This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

The HASD&IC Board of Directors convened on Sept. 21. Board Chair Tom Gammiere, Corporate SVP/Regional Chief Executive – South, Scripps Health, officiated. 

Special guests Mayor Todd Gloria and San Diego County Board of Supervisors Chair Nathan Fletcher met with the board and engaged in update and discussion of our region’s overall health needs and the following important issues: people experiencing homelessness, housing/shelter, behavioral health, CARE Courts, conservatorship, Medi-Cal Managed Care, CalAIM, and workforce needs. Gloria and Fletcher emphasized their commitment for city and county to work collaboratively to address these issues and offered their support in state legislative advocacy efforts. 

Other agenda items/updates included: 

  • Emergency Medical Services: Emergency department volume, diversion policy, the base station assessment, and ongoing conversations with the County of San Diego EMS were areas for update and discussion. Thank you to members who arranged emergency department tours as an opportunity for California Hospital Association and EMSA representatives to learn more about San Diego hospitals and our system of emergency care. 
  • Medi-Cal Managed Care Procurement Update: An update was provided on the procurement process and the Department of Health Care Services’ intent to award contracts announcement. 
  • Community Health Needs Assessment: An update was provided on preliminary plans for the 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) public release, media plan, and Phase 2 of the assessment process. The 2022 CHNA’s official public release was Sept. 27. 
  • Hospital Quality Institute (HQI): Members were encouraged to attend the 2022 HQI Annual Conference, with the announcement that member registration fees have been waived. The Southern California event was held this week. Northern California will be held Nov. 6-7 in Napa. 
  • 2022 CHPAC/CHPAC-FED Campaign: The campaign has reached 85.5% of the statewide goal as of Sept. 30. Thank you to members for your collective support of CHPAC and helping to elect and connect with candidates who understand the important role hospitals play in our state. Please visit CHPAC to learn more and join in support.

California Hospital Association (CHA): Carmela Coyle, President & CEO of the California Hospital Association, gave an update and led discussion in several areas: 

Legislative Update: Outcomes of the year’s most significant legislation for hospitals were highlighted. 

2023 Priority Issues: CHA is in the process of developing its policy and advocacy agenda for 2023. With hospitals’ financial stability of concern, Medi-Cal reimbursement increases and funding for behavioral health care will be central to next year’s agenda. Challenges around securing seismic reform and minimum wage proposals will persist. CHA will begin working with and educating those in the new Office of Health Care Affordability as it names board members and staff. 

For more information on the HASD&IC Board of Directors meeting or any of the issues discussed, please email Dimitrios Alexiou