
The HASD&IC Biweekly Briefing provides timely news and information for HASD&IC members and associates and is published on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Key articles and issues of interest from each publication, along with the President’s Message, are included below.

5 Things To Know: San Diego County Budget, State Budget May Revision, Mental Health Awareness Month, Mark Your Calendars, New Substance Use Disorder Resources

SAN DIEGO COUNTY BUDGET: The county has released its 2023-24 budget, which addresses a number of issues — homelessness, building healthy and safe communities, investing in working families, mental health and substance use disorders, sustainability, and justice reform. There is an opportunity for the community to comment and provide input before the board deliberates and adopts a budget at the end of June. Community meetings are being held this week, and next month, public hearings will take place.  

Member Spotlight: Capt. Kimberly Davis, MC, USN, Receives Award for Excellence from American Hospital Association  

The American Hospital Association (AHA) presented Capt. Kimberly D. Davis, director of Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD), with an Award for Excellence at AHA’s 2023 Annual Membership Meeting. The award recognizes uniformed and non-uniformed federal health care leaders whose innovative achievements and leadership have contributed substantially to the mission of the federal health system.   […]

5 Things To Know: Fentanyl Awareness Day, Hospitals Needed For Performance Improvement Project, Base Station Hospital System And Trauma Center Catchment Area Designations Assessment, Covid-19 Data Reporting, Medi-Cal Scam Alert

FENTANYL AWARENESS DAY: People are dying at alarming rates due to illicit fentanyl, and May 9 is dedicated to raising awareness about this growing problem. Data from the San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office show that fentanyl-related overdose deaths increased 2,375% in San Diego County, from 33 in 2016 to at least 817 in 2021. In Imperial County, seizures of fentanyl increased 272% from fiscal year (FY) 2019 to the third quarter of FY 2022, from 40 pounds to 149 pounds. More information is available on the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency’s website

Associate Member Spotlight: Falck Mobile Health 

Falck helps people in urgent need and brings peace of mind to its customers. As a partner to local communities, it provides emergency response and health care services wherever they are needed. For more than a century, it has helped keep people and societies safe and healthy.   It is committed to advancing sustainable health care, […]

5 Things To Know: Emergency Medical Services, Kaufman Hall Report, Supplier Diversity Reports, Dementia Care Aware Screening Tool, HCAI Program Eligibility

EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES: San Diego County is currently in the process of developing a plan for comprehensive evaluation of the base station hospital system (BSHS) and trauma center catchment area designation (TCCAD). This comprehensive review and evaluation began in January 2023 and is scheduled to be completed by Dec. 31, 2023. The county has hired a consultant, Public Consulting Group, which will collaborate with the county of San Diego, BSHS and TCCAD stakeholders, and the public to ensure all voices are heard as the county works on defining the future of the emergency medical services (EMS) system. More details and key tentative timelines are available on the county’s EMS web page. 

A Week Dedicated to Recognizing Our Volunteers

Often, when people think about the work done at hospitals, it’s the doctors, nurses, and other clinical staff who come to mind. While their work is vitally important — often lifesaving — volunteers and volunteer leaders are also an integral part of the hospital environment.   

5 Things To Know: Public Safety Power Shutoffs, Medi-Cal Rx, Minority Fellowship Program, Patient Safety Evaluation Summit, Behavioral Health System

PUBLIC SAFETY POWER SHUTOFFS: San Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE) is conducting two public safety power shutoff (PSPS) exercises and welcomes the attendance and participation of external stakeholders:   

PSPS Tabletop Exercise: April 11, 8 a.m.-noon ​  

PSPS Full-Scale Exercise: May 1-2​  

If you are interested in participating, please complete the Extent of Play Agreement and email a PDF copy to If you are interested in scheduling a tour for your organization, please reach out to

President’s Message

Read up-to-date messages from HASD&IC's President