Biweekly Briefing Articles

5 Things To Know: CalAIM Incentive Program, Monoclonal Antibody Treatments, Resources For Front-Line Staff

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES: The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has issued a COVID-19 Therapeutics Needs Assessment survey to understand how frequently antiviral medications and monoclonal antibody treatments are being used in each jurisdiction and/or health care facility. The survey is designed to help CDPH understand challenges and successes in outpatient treatment of COVID-19. As the landscape of outpatient therapeutics is changing rapidly, there have been several versions of this survey. Hospitals are encouraged to complete the survey even if another version was previously completed. More information on COVID-19 therapeutics options is available on the CDPH COVID-19 treatments page.

RESOURCES FOR FRONT-LINE STAFF: Doctors, nurses, aides, janitors, and all those who work in the San Diego’s COVID-19 units are invited to register for the Ilan-Lael Foundation’s Healing the Healers Retreats. These retreats are complimentary for front-line staff and designed to help address burnout by supporting wellness and resiliency. Spring retreat dates are April 23, May 11, and May 25.

CARE COURT: Gov. Newsom’s CARE (Community  Assistance, Recovery & Empowerment) Court is a proposed framework to deliver mental health and substance use disorder services to Californians who too often languish without the treatment they desperately need. But there is concern that the proposal would require existing funding sources for the Care Plan through county behavioral health services, including nearly $10 billion annually for behavioral health care including Mental Health Services Act, mental health realignment, and federal funds. The housing support would be part of the proposed $1.5 billion for behavioral health bridge housing, as well as various housing and clinical residential placements available to cities and counties under the governor’s $12 billion in investments for those experiencing homelessness, which began in 2021. More details about the proposal are available in these slides from a March 14 webinar.

CHILDREN AND YOUTH BEHAVIORAL HEALTH INITIATIVE: California has made a significant one-time investment of $4.4 billion over five years to redesign the behavioral health system for children and youth. The goal of the Health and Human Services Agency’s Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative is to reimagine the systems that support behavioral health and wellness for California’s children and youth into an innovative, upstream-focused ecosystem. The process of redesign will bring together representative stakeholders from systems and sectors that support children, youth, and their families including health, education, and other sectors that play a critical role in promoting positive mental health.

TRANSITION TO CALAIM: San Diego Managed Care Plans hosted a forum on March 25 to share information about two incentive funding opportunities for local Enhanced Care Management providers and non-profit providers. This will help the region prepare for full implementation of the new CalAIM benefits and supports program. It is estimated that $100 million will be available for San Diego providers. More information about the CalAIM Incentive Program is available in these FAQs.