
The HASD&IC Biweekly Briefing provides timely news and information for HASD&IC members and associates and is published on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Key articles and issues of interest from each publication, along with the President’s Message, are included below.

5 Things To Know: Cross-Border Vaccination Planning, Tiny Home Village, City Council Special Election

Medi-Cal Managed Care: Last fall, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) began the process of re-procuring Medi-Cal managed care plan contracts. At the end of April, DHCS provided updates on both San Diego and Imperial counties. Imperial County submitted a request to create a County Organized Health System with California Health and Wellness; San Diego County decided not to pursue a local health initiative model, and DHCS indicated that it will award no more than two Medi-Cal managed care contracts in San Diego County. The draft request for proposal is expected in the next few weeks, but the changes will not take place until 2024.

5 Things To Know: County Budget, District Election, Report on Hospitals’ Financial Challenges

Input Sought on County Budget: As the effort continues to build a framework for a more equitable, inclusive San Diego County, public input is needed for the 2021-22 budget process. On May 6, the county’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) will recommend a draft budget, and on May 26-27 county departments will present their draft budgets. The budget hearings set for June 14 and 16 are opportunities to suggest changes or additional funding needs. From June 14-23 the CAO and Board of Supervisors can request changes to draft budget. This period is the last opportunity to advocate for budget changes. Final budget deliberation and adoption is set for June 29.

5 Things To Know: June 15 Reopening, Project 100% Eliminated, Imperial County COVID-19 Cases

New Ambulance Provider: The San Diego City Council voted 9-0 at its April 13 meeting to switch ambulance providers from American Medical Response (AMR) to Falck, a Danish company that is the largest ambulance operator in the world. This is the first time in 32 years that San Diego will have a new ambulance provider. The five-year contract requires a six-month transition period from AMR to Falck.

Our Team Is United to Help Your Teams

Since the start of the pandemic more than a year ago, your hospitals have been on the front lines, treating patients non-stop, continuing to care for all Californians in all ways. You canceled non-elective surgeries, retrofitted space to accommodate a surge of patients, purchased protective and clinical equipment, and hired more staff.

5 Things To Know: Community Health Needs Assessment, CHA Website Launch, Focus on Homelessness

New Crisis Stabilization Unit: Paradise Valley Hospital has partnered with San Diego County to open a new crisis stabilization unit (CSU) on the hospital’s Bayview campus in Chula Vista. This specialized department — the first and only unit of its kind in the South Bay, and the second CSU in San Diego County — will provide hospital-based emergency behavioral health services to county residents ages 18 and older. More information can be found on the Paradise Valley Hospital website.

CEO Messages

Read up-to-date messages from HASD&IC's President/CEO