JoAnne Obata

5 Things To Know: FAQs on MCO Tax Agreement, Discharge Delay Survey, CA Bridge CME Academy, Community Health Workers/Promotores/Representatives (Chw/P/R) Model, Song-Brown Healthcare Workforce Training Programs

FAQS ON MCO TAX AGREEMENT: CHA has issued FAQs on the 2023 state budget agreement on the managed care organization tax. The agreement renews the tax and commits the majority of the funding to provider payment increases, including for hospitals. Contact Ben Johnson at with any questions.

Associate Member Spotlight: Athene Law, LLP

Athene Law is revolutionizing the traditional law firm model by combining top-notch and experienced health lawyers in a virtual legal practice. It takes on meaningful and challenging matters to provide health care industry clients with the tools to adapt 20th century rules to a 21st century delivery system.      Its approach is robust and versatile, […]

Associate Member Spotlight: Aetna Better Health of California

Founded in 1853 in Hartford, Connecticut, Aetna is committed to providing individuals (including Medicare and Medicaid), employers, health care professionals, producers, and others with innovative benefits, products, and services globally. Aetna is now a subsidiary company of CVS Health Corporation. Aetna knows that the health, safety, and well-being of your patients is the top priority. […]

Fate of Many Critical Bills is Still Up in the Air 

When the Legislature returns from its summer break on Aug. 14, it will be a sprint to the finish line before lawmakers adjourn for interim recess on Sept. 14. There are a number of pieces of legislation that present significant concerns for patients and communities.    

5 Things To Know: Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan Transition, Information Needed, National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Avian Flu, County Budget

MEDI-CAL MANAGED CARE PLAN TRANSITION: The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has released an All Plan Letter that provides guidance to all Medi-Cal managed care health plans (MCPs) regarding the 2024 MCP Transition, which is effective Jan. 1, 2024. In addition, DHCS has developed the 2024 Managed Care Plan Transition Policy Guide, which establishes and details the requirements for the implementation of the 2024 MCP Transition. The Policy Guide was initially published in May 2023 and will continue to be updated throughout 2023. All updates will be specifically identified in a dedicated section in the Policy Guide and will outline updates from prior versions in order to manage version history. The Policy Guide, which is also available on the DHCS 2024 MCP Transition web page, will denote effective dates and end dates, if applicable, to the specific policies contained therein. 

Associate Member Spotlight: Grossmont Healthcare District    

In 1952, the Grossmont Healthcare District — known at that time as Grossmont Hospital District — was formed to build and operate Grossmont Hospital as well as take care of the health care needs of San Diego’s East County region. In 1991, the District Board leased the hospital operations to Sharp HealthCare. The affiliation agreement […]