
The HASD&IC Biweekly Briefing provides timely news and information for HASD&IC members and associates and is published on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Key articles and issues of interest from each publication, along with the President’s Message, are included below.

5 Things To Know: CalAIM Incentive Program, Monoclonal Antibody Treatments, Resources For Front-Line Staff

MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES: The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has issued a COVID-19 Therapeutics Needs Assessment survey to understand how frequently antiviral medications and monoclonal antibody treatments are being used in each jurisdiction and/or health care facility. The survey is designed to help CDPH understand challenges and successes in outpatient treatment of COVID-19. As the landscape of outpatient therapeutics is changing rapidly, there have been several versions of this survey. Hospitals are encouraged to complete the survey even if another version was previously completed. More information on COVID-19 therapeutics options is available on the CDPH COVID-19 treatments page.

Members Encouraged to Enroll in Workforce Survey Program 

Attracting and retaining talented employees is a challenge at any time, and the disruption of the pandemic underscores the importance of staying up to date on compensation and human resources trends. To assist hospitals in making informed and strategic hiring decisions, HASD&IC members are asked to enroll in Salarity’s 2022 Allied for Health (AFH) Survey Program by April 1. 

5 Things To Know: Donations For Ukraine, APOT Materials Available, SNF Update

DONATION OF MEDICAL SUPPLIES FOR UKRAINE: The Naval Medical Center’s Zachary Alexander, MD, is working with the House of Ukraine, a local organization, to help obtain donations of medical supplies to send to Ukraine for humanitarian aid. The organization has established two flights per week from Los Angeles to Ukraine, and they are seeking all kinds of medical supplies, including expired and near-expired materials. A priority list of critically needed supplies is available; contact Dr. Alexander at or (240) 426-3708 for more information about donating. 

5 Things To Know: CHNA Survey, Homelessness Report, Medi-Cal Rx

CHNA SURVEY: ICYMI in the Feb. 16 Biweekly, HASD&IC asked for your help in connecting with communities across San Diego County for the 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). Please consider promoting the survey through your organization’s communication venues, including newsletters, public distribution lists, social media, employee distribution lists, etc. To assist members with promotion, HASD&IC has created a social media toolkit with text and images. The CHNA survey is available in six languages — English, Arabic, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

CHNA Survey a Chance to Hear from Community about Health Needs

Hospitals and health systems in San Diego and Imperial counties engage in collaborative efforts to identify the most important health needs in their communities. Incorporating feedback from community members and the providers who care for them is essential to identifying the top health needs and understanding the social drivers that impact them.

5 Things To Know: Workforce Council Meeting, Ambulance Patient Offload Times, Domestic Violence Training

MEDI-CAL MANAGED CARE RFP: On Feb. 9, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) released a request for proposal (RFP) for its commercial Medi-Cal managed care plan (MCP) contracts. While this RFP is only for commercial Medi-Cal MCPs, the updated contract will be executed with all Medi-Cal MCPs, including County Organized Health Systems, Local Initiatives, and the new Single Plan Model. The updated MCP contract, which is released with the RFP, also serves as the minimum definition of requirements. MCP proposals are due April 11, and DHCS expects to award contracts to selected plans in August. New contracts will become effective Jan. 1, 2024. A voluntary pre-proposal web conference will be held on Feb. 24 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. (PT). Pre-registration is required, and questions will be taken only via the webinar chat feature.

Cautious Optimism as Hospitalizations Trend in the Right Direction

In the wake of the recent COVID-19 surge, due in large part to the highly transmissible omicron variant, it remains to be seen what the future holds. This fourth surge has shown us that we must be prepared for anything. After plateauing for a bit, hospitalizations started to climb after the holidays, steadily increasing for a few weeks yet not quite reaching the levels of last winter’s surge.

5 Things To Know: Governor’s Budget Proposal, Behavioral Health Grants, Skilled-Nursing Facility Updates

NEW LIVE WELL ON WHEELS BUS: During a Feb. 1 press conference, San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher and the Health and Human Services Agency announced the addition of a second Live Well on Wheels (WOW) bus. The bus will provide and deliver same-day services such as health care and food assistance, application assistance, or linkage to mental health services. In 2021, the Live WOW bus served nearly 23,000 people at more than 200 community events, mostly for COVID-19 services. Two additional Live WOW buses and one Public Health Lab bus are also on the way. These buses are available by request to attend community events that are co-hosted by community partners.

5 Things To Know: Human Trafficking Awareness, CHA Social Media Graphics, SAMHSA Grant Program

BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT REPORT: To inform future planning on behavioral health, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), in collaboration with its stakeholders, produced a report on California’s behavioral health system: Assessing the Continuum of Care for Behavioral Health Services in California: Data, Stakeholder Perspectives, and Implications. This report reviews data and stakeholder perspectives as DHCS implements major behavioral health initiatives, including the Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program; the response to new federal funding opportunities; and a proposal for a Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration waiver in 2022 to strengthen mental health services for people living with serious mental illness, and children and youth living with serious emotional disturbance.

CEO Messages

Read up-to-date messages from HASD&IC's President/CEO