Community Care

About Community Care

Hospitals work 24/7 to care for patients. In doing so they understand the importance of caring for communities outside the walls of hospital buildings. The social determinants of health — conditions often dictated by where people live, learn, work, play, worship, and age — all have a huge effect on a community’s health. They can significantly affect a patient’s health risks and outcomes. Hospitals recognize and work hard to address these conditions with a focus on eliminating disparities in care delivery and health outcomes through education, community benefit programs, and more.

5 Things To Know: Study Finds CA Bridge Program is Highly Effective, Funding to Continue; San Diego TB Prevention Education and Community Engagement Summit; San Diego Workforce Partnerships Substance Use Counselor Program; DHCS Publishes Quality Ratings for Managed Care Plans and County Behavioral Health Plans; Medicare Coverage for Behavioral Health Expanded

STUDY FINDS CA BRIDGE PROGRAM IS HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, FUNDING TO CONTINUE: JAMA Network recently published a study highlighting the impact of the CA Bridge Program on opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment in emergency departments (EDs). The study found that 86% of OUD patients received buprenorphine in participating hospitals, with 50% continuing treatment 30 days after […]