About Quality
The mission of California hospitals is to deliver safe, quality care that is accessible to all. Hospitals participate in many activities to improve the quality and safety of the care they provide. California hospitals have a trusted partner in the Hospital Quality Institute, which helps them reduce errors and maximize patient safety. One of the ways in which HQI does this is by being a source of performance data and analytics. The data help focus improvement opportunities and scale best practices.
5 Things To Know: Registration Is Open for 2024 CDPH Leadership Updates and District Sessions
On Nov. 5, the California Hospital Association (CHA) will provide a joint webinar with AXIS Medical Education for CHA members. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and CHA will discuss topics related to licensing, including program flexes due to potential surges, the status of re-licensing and recertification surveys, and CDPH’s plans to modify Title […]